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CB5 Resolution on Union Square Park Pavillion Restoration & Use

WHEREAS, In February 2006, Community Board Five (CB5) passed the attached resolution regarding the redesign of the northern end of Union Square Park; and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five has not taken a position on the future use of the pavilion and has been awaiting a draft Request For Proposal (RFP) for use of the pavilion in order to develop and submit our recommendations to the Parks Department; and

WHEREAS, We have been continually reassured by the Parks Department that the Board will have this opportunity; and

WHEREAS, The renovation of Union Square North and full restoration of the pavilion was not and is not contingent on a concessionaire; and

WHEREAS, Many in the community continue to remain opposed to a seasonal food concession with high prices and limited access, and CB5 has encouraged the Parks Department to pursue funding from elected officials, the State and alternate sources in lieu of a seasonal café;

WHEREAS, Any concession goes through an RFP review process and in 2006, the Parks Department assured the Board an opportunity to opine on the draft RFP prior to its release, as was done in that case of the Madison Square Park Food Kiosk; and

WHEREAS, In the last two months, members of the public, elected officials and community board members have all been afforded the opportunity to discuss, ask questions and comment on the pavilion restoration – one meeting was devoted almost entirely to discussion of this subject – to assure that our position and comments have not changed; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five strongly urges the Parks Department to abide by assurances made to CB5, that the Board is given an opportunity to opine on the draft RFP prior to its release; and be it further

RESOLVED, Community Board Five again recommends that the RFP should not be limited to restaurateurs and strongly urges the Parks Department to include in the RFP, opportunities for other organizations, such as cultural institutions, community groups, etc. to submit proposals for the pavilion; and be it further

RESOLVED, That even though this resolution and the attached February 2006 resolution are indications of CB5’s initial and present concerns regarding the RFP, we reserve the right to comment after the RFP has been released.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 33 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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