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Central Park Conservancy plans for reconstruction of Volleyball courts b/t 66-69th and East 76th Street Playground in Central Park

WHEREAS, The Central Park Conservancy has proposed to reconstruct four volleyball courts which are located at the Closed Center Drive between 66th Street and 69th Street, west of the Mall; and

WHEREAS, The Central Park Conservancy proposes to upgrade the Volleyball facilities to better integrate these into the landscape of Central Park through modification of these four courts within the same location; and

WHEREAS, The existing courts were established in their current location around 1980, and were all asphalt paved; and

WHEREAS, In the early 1990’s, to address an increased interest in the sport of Sand Volleyball and players’ expressed preference for soft surface courts, the Parks Department replaced one of the asphalt courts with a raised sand court; and

WHEREAS, The existing sand court is raised six feet above grade and has a wooden fence around it; and

WHEREAS, It is now proposed that there will be two asphalt paved courts and two sand courts; and

WHEREAS; Pavement markings on the two existing asphalt paved courts will be re-painted; and

WHEREAS, Both sand courts will be sited in a single at-grade facility, contained by a concrete curb, and will be narrowed to maintain a clear space for pedestrian circulation; and

WHEREAS, New benches will be added to the facilities, and the existing, non-historic wooden fence will be removed and replaced with a standard 4’-0” high black chain metal fence; and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five believes that the proposed modifications and upgrades are beneficial both to users of the Volleyball Courts as well as to other visitors to Central Park; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of Central Park Conservancy’s application to reconstruct the Volleyball Courts.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 35 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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