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17 West 32nd Street, LaQuinta Inn (Formerly Aberdeen Hotel), proposed glass marquee

WHEREAS, The owners of 17 West 32nd Street (La Quinta Hotel, formerly the Aberdeen Hotel) have applied for a proposed glass marquee at the entrance doorway of the building which is an individually Landmarked Beaux Arts building, in the neo baroque style, dating from the early 1900s; and

WHEREAS, The proposed glass marquee with signage for La Quinta on three of its sides, will identify the hotel solely for commercial purposes; and

WHEREAS, The proposed marquee and its design have no relationship to the elegant building facade and are deemed totally disharmonious; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application for a proposed glass marquee at 17 West 32nd Street (La Quinta Hotel, formerly the Aberdeen Hotel).

The above resolution passed by a vote of 28 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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