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Rockefeller Plaza/Channel Gardens, application for approval of the permanent placement of the existing ticket kiosks for “Top of the Rock” on the center block of Rockefeller Plaza and in the Channel Gardens

WHEREAS, Rockefeller Center is an individual Landmark that includes Rockefeller Plaza and the Channel Gardens, and Rockefeller Center is considered "(A)n island of architectural excellence ... the greatest urban complex of the 20th Century; an understated and urbane place that has become a classic lesson in the point and counterpoint of  space, form, and circulation"; and

WHEREAS, The owner of Rockefeller Center, RCPI Landmark Properties, LLC, has filed an Application with the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission ("LPC") seeking Approval of the continued siting of the three existing "Top of the Rock" Ticket Kiosks on a permanent basis in the Plaza and Channel Gardens area; and

WHEREAS, These Ticket Kiosks were approved on a temporary basis pursuant to an amended Certificate of No Effect issued December 4, 2006, without coming before Community Board 5 and without a Public Hearing held by LPC; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant is seeking permanent approval for these three kiosks, with its application stating that they are freestanding and serviced by existing electrical and telecommunications plug-in connections; as such, the Ticket Kiosks can be moved, as is the practice, when major events are held on the Plaza; and

WHEREAS, The primary purpose of the Ticket Kiosks is to serve as a venue for the sale of tickets for "The Top of the Rock" and is reported by the applicant to process 1/3 of the tickets sold, and

WHEREAS, Tickets to the "Top of the Rock" can be purchased alternatively at a ticket office at 30 Rockefeller Plaza or online; and

WHEREAS, The Ticket Kiosks themselves, the LED lights and signage on the kiosks are intrusive and not original to the historical design of the Landmark; and

WHEREAS, The Ticket Kiosks are considered an inappropriate element in the Plaza area serving primarily to promote the commercial interests of the applicant; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board 5 recommends that the LPC deny the application for Approval of the permanent placement of the existing Ticket Kiosks for “Top of the Rock” on the center block of Rockefeller Plaza and in the Channel Gardens. 

The above resolution passed by a vote of 27 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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