Madison Square Conservancy, application to hold US Open viewing in Madison Square Park from Monday, August 25th to Sunday, September 7th, 2008.
WHEREAS, Madison Square Park Conservancy has applied for a special events permit for August 25 through September 9, 2007 to hold viewing of the US Open; and
WHEREAS, American Express will have a Jumbotron screen on the Farragut Monument (considered a major work of historic art), bleachers on the plaza, a viewing area, food concessions provided by companies to be determined by an RFP; and
WHEREAS, Plans were submitted to the committee which showed a greatly reduced impact on the park. The plans showed no events in the south end of the park which was a major change from previous years; and
WHEREAS, The US Open will be broadcast with sound from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. every day and evening and if events run later than 11:30p.m.the Jumbotron will be shut off and an announcement will be made each evening that the screen will be shut down at 11:30 PM; and
WHEREAS, nothing other than US Open tennis will be shown on the Jumbotron; and
WHEREAS, Beer and wine will be sold for consumption in selected areas and all wine and beer licenses will be displayed, service will stop at 9:30PM and the vendors will be responsible to monitor where the purchaser goes within the park and a security person will be posted by the concessions; and
WHEREAS, Signage will be significant in size but reduced in number; and
WHEREAS, although the event is commercial in nature it has been reduced significantly with the sponsor making a substantial donation to the Conservancy; and
WHEREAS, Sound, security, refuse, park space for commercial promotion, the length of event and the evening schedule of events are all being greatly improved; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of a permit to Madison Square Park Conservancy to allow American Express broadcast the US Open.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 24 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.