Project Dance, application to hold a block party on 44th Street, between Broadway and 44th Street on Saturday, April 18, 2009.
WHEREAS, Applicant, Project Dance, wants to hold a block party on 44th Street, between Broadway and 6th Avenue on Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm, with set up beginning at approximately 5:00 am and break down ending at approximately 8:00 pm; and
WHEREAS, Applicant expects attendance of approximately 200 people for the event; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has held the same event for several years without complaints; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has the support and cooperation of the theater located on that block and will coordinate its events so as not to disturb the theater’s performances; and
WHEREAS, The location of the proposed event is
predominately a commercial area, and there is be little potential for negative impact on residents at that location, if any; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has made satisfactory plans for sanitation and security throughout the event; and
WHEREAS, The event has been thoroughly thought out, planned and presented and is expected to be run in a similarly effective manner; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of a block party on 44th Street, between Broadway and 6th Avenue on Saturday, April 18, 2009; and be it further
RESOLVED, Community Board Five strongly urges SAPO to work with Community Board Five to reduce the negative impact caused by the numerous street closures (street fairs, parades, TV & movies filming) occurring within the district boundaries.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 23 in favor; 2 opposed; 1 abstaining.