ULURP # 080042 ZSM, 14-20 West 40th Street, Knox Building, application for Special Permit, pursuant to Section 74-711 for modifications to height and setback, split lot provisions, pedestrian circulation space, and ...
WHEREAS, This is the second part of a 74-711 for 14-20 West 40th Street permitting the transfer of approximately 17,000 square feet of development rights from the Knox Hat Building to 14-20 West 40th Street in exchange for preservation of the building; and
WHEREAS, The building at 14-20 West 40 Street, which is currently a parking lot, will be constructed with a limestone façade with a glass treatment and is considered contextual with the Knox Hat Building; and
WHEREAS, The building, which will be 358 feet and 32 stories high, will house a hotel with 150 rooms, a 52 unit condominium and a parking garage with 30 spaces; and
WHEREAS, The developer is asking for a number of bulk modifications to make the building more harmonious with the neighborhood including:
Modification of the pedestrian circulation space requiring a walkway or an arcade at the base of the building. Elimination of this requirement will allow the building to come up to the street wall like all the other buildings on the block; and
Modification of the streetwall continuity regulations permitting part of the lot to not meet the 85 foot streetwall requirement for the entire site. This is to accommodate a 3 story building at 12 West 40 Street; and
Modification of the Split Lot Bulk Regulations permitting the transfer of 17,264 square feet of available floor area generated in M1-6 district for development in the C5-3 (MID) district; and
Modification of the Alternate Height and Setback Daylight Evaluation regulations which apply in the C5-3 (MID)/West 40th Street and would require a setback above 90 feet; and
WHEREAS, The building will be built at 358 feet flush with the street wall rather than 395 feet permitted with a setback and would continue the saw tooth pattern of the buildings on the street; and
WHEREAS, The hotel is going to be run by One Hotel, a company that is building "green" hotels in the United States. While the applicant is aiming to build a LEED Silver environmentally friendly building, Community Board 5 would like the applicant to make the building either LEED Gold or Platinum; and
WHEREAS, Community Board 5 is concerned about the lack of affordable housing in the area and encourages the developer to include middle income housing in the development; and
WHEREAS, Community Board 5 remains concerned about the infrastructure needs of the area and wants to make sure that even with relatively small developments, such as this one, the impact on schools, transportation and other district needs are taken into consideration; and
WHEREAS, The developer has agreed to do everything possible to mitigate the impact of construction on the area; and
WHEREAS, The preservation plan for the Knox Hat Building was approved by both the Landmarks Preservation Commission and Community Board 5; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board 5 recommends approval of the 74-711 for 14-20 West 40th Street and recommends approval of the following bulk modifications:
Modification of the daylight evaluation requirements of ZR Section 91-27 in the C5-3 (MID) district;
Waiver of the split lot provisions of ZR Section 77-02 to allow transfer of approximately 17,264 square feet of floor area from the M1-6 district to the C5-3 (MID) district;
Modification of the pedestrian circulation space requirements of ZR Sections 81-45 and 37-07 along West 40th Street;
Modification of the streetwall continuity regulations of ZR Section 81-43
The above resolution passed by a vote of 28 in favor, 2 opposed, 2 abstention.