Reduction of Traffic Congestion on Park Avenue South Between 23rd Street and 33rd Street
WHEREAS, Turning restrictions on Park Avenue South between 23rd Street and 33rd Street have been observed to create confusion and congestion:
WHEREAS, There is an increasing need for non-commercial vehicles to have accessibility to the growing number of retailers and restaurants in this vicinity; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends that the Department of Transportation evaluate whether the lack of left turn options on the northbound route of Park Avenue South is causing vehicular congestion and determine the appropriateness and practicality of providing additional left turns - specifically at 25th Street, 29th Street and 31st Street - while paying particular attention to the issue of pedestrian safety in considering any increase in the number of left turn options.
The above resolution passed with a vote of 29 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.