Newsstand Application #1279553, N/E/C of East 58 Street and Fifth Avenue.
WHEREAS, The applicant seeks a permit to install and operate a newsstand on 5th Avenue at the North East Corner with 58th Street; and
WHEREAS, The intersection is one of the most congested with pedestrian traffic in New York City; and
WHEREAS, The 5th Avenue Association BID has conducted a pedestrian traffic study of the area showing severe traffic congestion; and
WHEREAS, A newsstand at the proposed site would have an extremely negative impact on pedestrian traffic, thus creating an unsafe condition; and
WHEREAS, There are no newsstands on 5th Avenue between 25th Street and 82nd Street); and
WHEREAS, A newsstand would set an unfortunate precedent and would create visual clutter on the prestigious Avenue; and
WHEREAS, The New York City Art Commission has rejected newsstands proposed for the Fifth Avenue Special District stating, "The Commission notes that the zoned, Fifth Avenue Special Business District has exceptional visual corridors and that the addition of any obstructions, including planters and newsstands, will severely detract from its attractiveness and effectiveness"; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends denial of the application for a newsstand on 5th Avenue, at the North East corner of 58th Street.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 28 in favor; 4 opposed; 1 abstaining.