928 Broadway, Bar Stuzzichini, application for an unenclosed sidewalk cafe with 12 tables and 24 seats
WHEREAS, The applicant, Bar Stuzzichini, is applying for a revocable consent to install an unenclosed sidewalk café at 928 Broadway, between 21st and 22nd streets; and
WHEREAS, The proposed sidewalk café would have 12 tables and 24 seats, and would occupy 9'7'' feet from the façade of the restaurant to the outermost table, leaving only 9'7'' feet for pedestrian traffic; and
WHEREAS, Community Board 5 feels the proposed sidewalk café is too large and would like to reduce its width to under 7'; and
WHEREAS, The applicant agreed to the Committee's requirements; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board 5 recommends approval with the following conditions of the revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 928 Broadway:
The above resolution passed by a vote of 35 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstaining.