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Parks & Public Spaces

Irene Makarchuk to hold live concert in Union Square Park.

WHEREAS, Irene Makarchuk is applying for a permit to hold a live concert in the South Plaza of Union Square on Friday Sept 21 from 3PM – 7PM, including clean-up; and

WHEREAS, The event, with amplified sound and various performers and dancers, is a celebration of the International Day of Peace; and

WHEREAS, CDs, T-shirts and key-chains with the ‘peace’ theme will be given away free of charge, and there will be a box for donations to benefit children; and

WHEREAS, There might be a ceremony with the raising of the American Flag that will not involve the Park’s flagpole; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the permit for Irene Makarchuk to hold a live concert in the South Plaza of Union Square Park on Friday Sept 21.

The above resolution passed with a vote of 31 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions.   

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