BSA Application # 120-07 BZ, 24 West 30th Street, application by Fiam Building Associates (“Applicant”) to the Board of Standards and Appeals for a variance pursuant to §72-21 of the Zoning Resolution, which would allow the conversion of ...
WHEREAS, 24 West 30th Street is in a M1-6 zone, and four and one-half floors were previously converted to residential units under the NYS loft law; and
WHEREAS, The building is approximately 25 ft. wide by 98 ft. deep, and is 12 stories tall, totaling 26,900 sq. ft.; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant acquired the building in 1982 with 4 floors of rent-stabilized residential units, on floors 6,7,9,12 and one-half of floor 5, and the remaining floors above the ground floor used for commercial and light manufacturing purposes; and
WHEREAS, The BSA expressed concerns about conversion of the entire building to residential and requested that floors 2,3 and 4 remain commercial, to which the Applicant has agreed; and
WHEREAS, Of the three and one-half floors proposed for conversion, two and one-half floors are vacant, and one floor is currently occupied by a commercial user; and
WHEREAS, Issuance of a variance requires a finding of economic hardship, caused by a unique or unusual condition of the property, and the Applicant has demonstrated that the 25 ft. width of the building creates spaces that cannot be rented for the allowable uses at market rents; and
WHEREAS, Although concern was expressed about the disappearance of class B and C office space in Manhattan, available to small businesses and non-profit groups, it was felt the relatively small percentage of the building being converted would have a minimal impact on the market; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for the conversion of the building from commercial to residential use pursuant to Z.R. §72-21.
The substitute resolution passed with a vote of 20 in favor, 15 opposed, 3 abstentions.