Application for improvement to the Loula D. Lasker Swimming Pool and Skating Rink in Central Park.
WHEREAS, The applicant, the Trump Organization , has requested a certificate of appropriateness for modifications and improvements to the Loula D. Lasker Swimming Pool and Skating Rink, located in the north end of Central Park; and
WHEREAS, The facility was designed in 1963 and built over the subsequent years, and its condition warrants such repairs; and
WHEREAS, The Parks Department has requested such improvements in exchange for a concession to operate the facility; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has successfully overseen a similar renovation of Wollman Rink in the southern end of Central Park; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to relocate the stairs, replace the hand railings, add office and concession space, remove the chin link fence, add planting beds and rolling security gate; and
WHEREAS, All modifications contribute to increased functionality and safety of the facility; and
WHEREAS, The 4 blue fountains will remain intact; and
WHEREAS, The applicant's architect has successfully responded to comments and concerns of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission; and
WHEREAS, The material selection and detailing are sympathetic and complimentary to the original design; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the Lasker Rink Improvements.
The above resolution passed with a vote of 29 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.