NYC Parks & Recreation proposal for Donna Dennis Sculpture on the Park Avenue Malls at 52nd-57th Streets
WHEREAS, The Park Avenue Sculpture Committee has applied for a special permit to host a sculpture exhibition in the Park Avenue median from 52nd-57th Streets; and
WHEREAS, The sculptures will be miniature cabins; and
WHEREAS, The selected artist, Donna Dennis, has exhibited similar work, and is nationally recognized; and
WHEREAS, The cabins will be smaller than human scale and not have an entrance; and
WHEREAS, The display period requested is from March to June 2007; and
WHEREAS, The organizers are fully insured and promise no planting damage; and
WHEREAS, The Park Avenue Association was involved in the approval process; and
WHEREAS, Signage will be limited to the standard artist plaque; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval for the sculpture series in the Park Avenue median under the stipulation the sculptures are proximate to the cross street waiting areas to ensure the curious do not attempt to cross the street mid-block to inspect what might otherwise appear to be an inhabitable space.
The above resolution then passed with a vote of 28 in favor, 6 opposed, 2 abstentions.