Central Park Conservancy’s proposed reconstruction of Oak Bridge at Bank Rock Bay.
WHEREAS, The Central Park Conservancy, has sought and obtained Community Board Five's approval for the shoreline restoration of the Central Park Lake at 77th Street in June 2006; and
WHEREAS, The Conservancy agreed to seek Community Board approval for specific design elements over the course of the five-year, multi-phase project; and
WHEREAS, The Oak Bridge structure spans the lake at its northern most tip and is one of three key entries to the Rambles; and
WHEREAS, The original bridge was designed by Calvert Vaux in 1860 and integral component of the park's design; and
WHEREAS, Throughout its life, the superstructure of the Oak Bridge has deteriorated and been replaced three times; and
WHEREAS, The current bridge dates from the 1930's is a utilitarian, presumably temporary, replacement with wood plank floor and iron pipe railings that does not match the original design; and
WHEREAS, The proposed bridge design:
recreates as closely as possible the look and feel of the original ornamental bridge
uses modern materials and engineering techniques to create a durable structure that is cost-effective to build and maintain
complies with current design standards and load requirements; and
WHEREAS, The project will incorporate restoration techniques that have proven successful on other architectural elements of the park; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application by the Central Park Conservancy for the reconstruction of the Oak Bridge
The above resolution passed with a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.