182 West 58th Street, application to cure violation #WL05-0621 – for awnings on the restaurant storefront
WHEREAS, The building at 182 West 58th Street, on the southeast corner of Seventh Avenue, designed in the French Renaissance-style by Harde & Short and constructed as The Alwyn Court Apartments between 1907 and 1909; and
WHEREAS, On June 7, 1966, the Alwyn Court Apartments was designated as an Individual Landmark, by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission; and
WHEREAS, The applicant, the restaurant Petrossian, who is the tenant on the ground floor, was served violation # WL05-0621, for the installation of awnings at the storefront windows on the West 58th Street and the Seventh Avenue elevations of 182 West 58th Street; and
WHEREAS, The applicant seeking to cure this violation had the architect serving on their behalf present the application at two Landmarks Committee meetings; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has exhibited historic photos that indicate that the first of the window awnings was installed on 182 West 58th Street around 1984, however the applicant has not been able to provide any documentation that permission for this installation was granted by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission; and
WHEREAS, Subsequently, additional window awnings were installed, currently resulting in six at the West 58th Street elevation and another six at the Seventh Avenue elevation, without permission of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission; and
WHEREAS; The applicant has not made an effort to remove the existing illegally installed window awnings; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That since the awnings were not part of 182 West 58th Street at the time of designation, they are deemed illegal, and should be removed, and Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to legalize the awnings.
The above resolution passed with a vote of 32 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.