BSA # 199-05BZ, application for a varience under Section 72-21 of the Zoning Resolution to use the upper floors of a proposed mixed use building in an M1-6 district for residential occupancy at 299 Seventh Avenue
WHEREAS, The applicant located at 299 Seventh Avenue seeks to erect and maintain a mixed use building that permits the upper floors, 2 through 12, for residential use; and
WHEREAS, The current site is a 2-story building located on the southeast corner of Seventh Avenue and 27th Street that houses Rose’s Pizza and Manhattan Deli, with no residential use, and is in an M1-6 district. This corner lot measures 25 feet wide by 68 feet long; and
WHEREAS, The applicant/owner proposes to demolish the building and rebuild it into a 12-story building. The first floor would house Rose’s Pizza and floors 2 through 12 would feature loft apartments, one per floor; and
WHEREAS, Along Seventh Avenue on this block, properties are developed with multiple dwellings with retail on the first floor. Various other lots in this vicinity featuring buildings 17 stories and higher were recently developed with multiple floor dwellings; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the variance to enable residential occupancy of a mixed use building.
The above resolution passed with a vote of 27 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.