Swix/Leki Walk NY
WHEREAS, Swix/Leki Walk, NY will be introducing the community to a new sport and promoting physical fitness; and
WHEREAS, The applicant will be providing instruction and the ability to try Nordic walking to anyone interested; and
WHEREAS, There will be a tent, minimal signage, no retail sponsor, and no music or food; and
WHEREAS, The applicant is fully insured and does not require participants to sign a waiver; and
WHEREAS, Swix/Leki will not be selling anything or charging any fees; and
WHEREAS, The park lawn will not be harmed since all activities will take place on pavement; and
WHEREAS, The activity will take place on Sunday, May 22, from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the permit for the Swix/Leki Nordic Walk demonstration in Union Square Park.