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97 Fifth Avenue, application for a Certificate of Appropriateness

WHEREAS, 97 Fifth Avenue located in the Ladies’ Mile Historic District is a Neo-Renaissance style store and loft building (1897-98) designed by Maynicke, Architect; and

WHEREAS, The applicant seeks to replace all the apartment windows on both the Fifth Avenue and 17th Street facades with thermopane glass, replacing the original wooden frames with aluminum; and

WHEREAS, The windows will be one-over-one, the frames will be painted in a color to match the original, and the distinctive and decorative spiraled mullions will remain; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Manhattan Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for 97 Fifth Avenue.

The above resolution then passed with a vote of 26 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.

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