Philippines Independence Day Committee
WHEREAS, The Philippine Independence Day Council Inc. (Applicant) has made an application to conduct a street fair and cultural program on Madison Avenue between 23rd Street and 28th Street including the area adjacent to the east side of Madison Square Park on Sunday, June 5, 2005; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant has agreed to abide by the Street Activity Permit Guidelines established by Community Board Five and has submitted all required documentation pursuant thereto; and
WHEREAS, There will be no organized events within the Park boundaries except for Vendor booths, which will be set up on the outer sidewalk on the east side of the Park along Madison Avenue, and the number of vendors will be approximately the same as in past years, and all cooking/food preparation will take place on the west side of Madison Avenue across the street from the Park; and
WHEREAS, The street fair is being expanded on the north side from 26th Street to 28th Street in order to better spread out the vendor locations and reduce the density of people in the activity area, with 26th through 28th Streets remaining open to cross town traffic throughout the event; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant has agreed to increase the number of clean-up personnel on hand and to clean the park area continuously throughout the event; and
WHEREAS, The applicant is aware of the concerns of area residents regarding the noise associated with the amplified sound at such events and has agreed to set up the stage for the cultural program at 24th Street facing north in order to minimize the noise impact on area residents; and
WHEREAS, This event was successfully held in this area for thirteen years; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the Philippine Independence Day Council Inc.’s application to conduct a street fair and cultural program on Madison Avenue between 23rd Street and 28th Street including the area adjacent to the west side of Madison Square Park on Sunday, June 5, 2005.
The above resolution passed with a vote of 21 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.