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Application from Madison Square Park Conservancy for “Porcelanosa Descriptive Memory Marketing Event”, a marketing event in Madison Square Park from November 26 thru December 4, 2023

At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, November 9, 2023, the following resolution passed with a vote of 29 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, The Madison Square Park Conservancy (the “Applicant”) intends to submit a permit application to the Parks Department for “Porcelanosa Descriptive Memory Marketing Event” (the “Event”), to be held in the southwest gravel section of Madison Square Park (the “Park”); and

WHEREAS, Set-up would begin at 12am running through 7am on November 29th; with the Event beginning at 8am on November 29th, ending at 9pm on December 2nd, and with cleanup and dismantling of the Event in all respects to be finished the morning of December 4th by 6am; and

WHEREAS, The Event is to consist of a four-day activation of a pop-up Porcelanosa, with cube-shaped 4x4x3 meter exterior measurements, simulating a gift box for the exhibition of Porcelanosa products; and

WHEREAS, There will be a “thank you” to Santa card writing activity inside, and Polaroids from the photo moment branded with the Porcelanosa logo distributed; and

WHEREAS, There will be hostesses and staff to regulate pedestrian flow into the showcase, and the gift box will be open to the general public for inspection, viewing, interaction, and conversation with up to four Brand Ambassadors, and some QR signage inside to direct traffic to the Porcelanosa store on 25th Street/Broadway; and

WHEREAS, There will be a series of special public events taking place at the Porcelanosa store during the marketing activation hours, including water color painting and origami, open to the general public; and

WHEREAS, There will be security staff in charge of overseeing the correct functioning of the action during the days it is installed; and

WHEREAS, There will be amplified sound, it will be played in the interior structure only, and kept at a volume between 60-80 decibles; and

WHEREAS, There will be a generator used to power the pop-up, with a heat-pump of an estimated 10Kw consumption, a total electricity consumption estimated at 40kva including interior lighting, heat pump, and audiovisual equipment; and

WHEREAS, There will be no food distributed, and every effort will be made to minimize the impact on the use of the park by the general public while this event is ongoing; and 

WHEREAS, Signage will be limited to branding that is restrained and suitable as to size and quantity relating to the products in question; and

WHEREAS, Applicant has indicated that in return for the private use of public space for this event, a substantial contribution to the Park will be made, which is consistent with past practice and necessary for the funding of the Park per its contractual agreement with the Parks Department, that allows for four annual marketing events, of which this is the second for 2023; and

WHEREAS, All operational aspects of the event, including sanitation and potential queueing, have been planned for in a satisfactory manner; and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five believes that the nature and conduct of the event as proposed is satisfactory and consistent with its past approvals for the four marketing events done in past years; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from Madison Square Park Conservancy for “Porcelanosa Descriptive Memory Marketing Event”, a marketing event in Madison Square Park from November 29-December 4, 2023.

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