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Parks & Public Spaces

Application from Madison Square Park Conservancy for “Lush Fresh Cosmetics Giveaway” to be held in the southwest gravel section of Madison Square Park on December 6, 2023

At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2023, the following resolution passed with a vote of 33 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, The Madison Square Park Conservancy (the “Applicant”) intends to submit a permit application to the Parks Department for “Lush Fresh Cosmetics Giveaway” (the “Event”), to be held in the southwest gravel section of Madison Square Park (the “Park”); and

WHEREAS, Set-up would begin at 10pm on December 5, 2023 running through 4am on December 6, 2023; with the Event beginning at 7:30am on December 6, 2023, ending at 5pm on December 6, 2023, and with cleanup and dismantling of the Event in all respects to be finished by 11:59pm December 6, 2023; and

WHEREAS, The Event is to consist of a one-day activation of a pop-up gift machine, measuring 9 feet tall, simulating a gift box for the distribution of Lush products; and

WHEREAS, There will be 10 brand ambassadors handing out free bath bombs, fragrance samples and gift cards; and

WHEREAS, There will be no commercial signage; and

WHEREAS, There will be some filming for commercial use in a limited area and that filming will be disclosed using signage; and

WHEREAS, There will be no amplified sound; and

WHEREAS, There will be no food distributed, and every effort will be made to minimize the impact on the use of the Park by the general public while this event is ongoing; and

WHEREAS, Applicant has indicated that in return for the private use of public space for this event, a substantial contribution to the Park will be made, which is consistent with past practice and necessary for the funding of the Park per its contractual agreement with the Parks Department, that allows for four annual marketing events, of which this is the third for 2023; and

WHEREAS, All operational aspects of the event, including sanitation and potential queueing, have been planned for in a satisfactory manner; and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five believes that the nature and conduct of the event as proposed is satisfactory and consistent with its past approvals for the four marketing events done in past years; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from Madison Square Park Conservancy for “Lush Fresh Cosmetics Giveaway”, a marketing event in Madison Square Park on December 6th, 2023, and be it further

RESOLVED, As the timing of the application being submitted to the Parks Department prevented a proper public hearing in advance of the Event, Community Board Five continues to request that the Parks Department extend the minimum notice required of event applications to 45 days, to ensure that they can be given a proper public hearing.

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