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Budget, Education & City Services

Community Board Five supports Senate Bill S8422 in relation to Medicaid funding for in-patient mental health treatment via federal waiver.

WHEREAS, There is a shortage of in-patient mental health care options in New York for those suffering from mental illness; and

WHEREAS, Funding for institutions that provide in-patient mental health care is currently not covered by Medicaid; and

WHEREAS, If Medicaid were to provide reimbursement for the treatment of mental illness to hospitals, nursing facilities and other institutions of more than sixteen beds, it would incentivize the provision of in-patient mental health care; and 

WHEREAS, Medicaid currently excludes payments to hospital, nursing facility, or other institution of more than sixteen beds primarily engaged in mental health care (“IMDs”) and related services, for adults aged twenty-one to sixty-four; and

WHEREAS, New York can apply for a federal waiver to expand eligibility and reimbursements for IMDs, and 

WHEREAS, Eight states and DC have been approved for a waiver that would provide reimbursement: DC, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Oklahoma, Vermont, Utah, and Washington; and

WHEREAS, Six states have applied and have waivers pending: Alabama, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, and Vermont; and 

WHEREAS, Senate Bill S8422 would direct the Commissioner of Health to apply for a federal waiver to the IMD exclusion so that the state can leverage federal dollars to create and provide mental health treatment; and 

WHEREAS, CB5 is on record supporting additional funding for mental health issues; therefore be it 

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends support of Senate Bill S8422 as a way to help address the needs of those suffering from mental illness by providing funding for in-patient treatment.

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