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Transportation & Environment

Garment District Alliance application for a temporary StreetSeat on West 36th Street between 7th Avenue and the Avenue of the Americas at 152 West 36th Street (Macaron Café)

At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2019, the following resolution passed with a vote of 38 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, The Applicant, the Garment District Alliance, seeks to install a 6-foot-by-40-foot temporary, seasonal “StreetSeat” in front of 152 West 36th Street, between 7th Avenue and the Avenue of the Americas, on the south side of 36th Street, with open seating for the public; and

WHEREAS, The site in question is one (1) commercial parking space with three-hour commercial parking only from 6:00am – 7:00pm, Monday to Friday; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant proposes the StreetSeat as an addition of public space earmarked for pedestrians in a crowded district marked by insufficient open space; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant proposes to model the spaces after the existing StreetSeat template and program allowed across the city by the Department of Transportation, including a full application process and community board approval, of which 18 were approved and maintained during the 2018 calendar year; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant has successfully participated in the StreetSeat program twice before with locations at 224 West 35th Street and 302 West 37th Street; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant proposes a typical StreetSeat configuration, flush with the curb, with temporary materials to create moveable seating in the space, clearly marked with paint separated from other street parking by concrete wheel stop bars and flexible delineators and from traffic by planters and stainless steel cables; and

WHEREAS, The location will be marked with signage to indicate it is open to the public for anyone to use, with no alcohol or smoking allowed; and

WHEREAS, No commercial activity will be allowed in the proposed space; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant is committed to, and responsible for, cleaning and "resetting" the spaces every night through a maintenance agreement with the Department of Transportation; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant intends to maintain this space on the typical schedule for a StreetSeat with a
season of March through the end of November; and

WHEREAS, The business located at the proposed site, Macron Café, desires that the StreetSeat be located
as the proposed location; and

WHEREAS, The owners of both 152 West 36th Street and Macron Café are aware of the application and
have no objection; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the Garment District Alliance’s
application to the Department of Transportation for the installation of a seasonal StreetSeat in front of 152
West 36th Street.

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