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Transportation & Environment

Presentation by the Dept. of Transportation (DOT) of a set of safety improvements for the 8th Avenue bike lane from 56th Street up through Columbus Circle

WHEREAS, In 2017, Community Board Five (“CB5”) requested a study by the New York City Department of Transportation ("DOT") of the Columbus Circle area to examine the installation of a protected bike lane and additional traffic improvements; and

WHEREAS, The Vision Zero program calls for an expanded bicycle network in Manhattan; and

WHEREAS, The Vision Zero program mandates a multi-agency effort to improve safety measures for all road users and reduce traffic fatalities; and

WHEREAS, DOT has recognized parts of Community District Five as especially busy thoroughfares within the City's bicycle network; and

WHEREAS, Previously, CB5 has identified traffic conditions in and around the West 50s as particularly congested, marked by ever-increasing motor vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian flow; and

WHEREAS, CB5 had urged DOT to study the existing vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic conditions in and around Columbus Circle in order to create a complete street plan to make the area safe for all users; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the plans from the Department of Transportation to install a set of safety improvements for the 8th Avenue bike lane from 56th Street up through Columbus Circle; and therefore be it further

RESOLVED, Community Board Five renews its long-standing request for the Department of Transportation to produce a comprehensive complete street plan for midtown Manhattan south of 59th street that would enhance the safety and efficiency of travel for all street users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and travelers in motor vehicles.  We ask that any plan consider a wide variety of options including, but not limited to, dedicated bus lanes; dedicated protected one-way and two-way bicycle lanes; pedestrian islands; improved crosswalks; more effective restrictions on vending and newsstands; opportunities for de-cluttering sidewalks including relocating or eliminating food carts, food trucks, street furniture, and street fairs; widened sidewalks and public plazas; leading pedestrian signals; dedicated loading, drop off, and pick up zones for taxis and private hire car services; and designated turn lanes.

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