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Parks & Public Spaces

Madison Square Park Conservancy’s applications to conduct special events for the public viewing of the broadcasts of the Delta-sponsored Mets/Yankees games and the American Express-sponsored US Open matches in Madison Square Park.


At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, January 17, 2013, the following resolution passed with a unanimous vote of 27 in favor; 7 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, Madison Square Park Conservancy has submitted an application to conduct special events for public viewing of the broadcasts of the Delta-sponsored Mets/Yankees games (the "Delta Dugout" series) from Monday, May 27 through Thursday, May 30, 2013, and the American Express-sponsored US Open matches from Saturday, August 31 through Sunday, September 8, 2013; and

WHEREAS, As in previous years, the broadcasts would be displayed on a Jumbotron screen erected near the Farragut Monument, with a set of bleachers near the screen and a viewing area set-up in the drained reflecting pool, with food vendors on the north end of Madison Square Park, with nothing other than sports broadcasts (including commercials) being displayed; and

WHEREAS, For the Delta Dugout, the south end of the park would be utilized for a Delta Dugout lounge and for children's activities such as pitch throwing and baseball clinics, which will all be shut down when the games start, all free and open to the public; and

WHEREAS, For the US Open, activities would be limited to the northern section of the park, and there is no intention to utilize the south end of the park; and

WHEREAS, In previous years, corporate sponsors contributed over $120,000 to the Madison Square Park Conservancy, and it is expected that they would either match or increase their contribution for 2013; and

WHEREAS, If beer and wine are sold for consumption, this would be in selected areas and all wine and beer licenses would be displayed, service would stop at 9:30 PM and the vendors would be responsible to monitor where the purchaser goes within the park and security personnel would be posted by the concessions; and

WHEREAS, Although there will be corporate signage, the number of signs has been reduced in comparison to previous years and the proposed event's commercial nature has been reduced significantly; and

WHEREAS, There is precedent for these events in Madison Square Park; and Community Board Five has found a significant amount of support for them from residents and stakeholders in the community; and

WHEREAS, the Conservancy has agreed to abide by the requirements adopted by Community Board Five for large events being conducted in Madison Square Park, including a rigorous attempt to enforce navigation of the pathways through the Park during the event, as well as advance notification given to surrounding residential buildings of event dates; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of Madison Square Park Conservancy's applications to conduct special events for the public viewing of the broadcasts of the Delta-sponsored Mets/Yankees games (the "Delta Dugout" series) from Monday, May 27 through Thursday, May 30, 2013, and the American Express-sponsored US Open matches from Saturday, August 31 through Sunday, September 8, 2013, in Madison Square Park.


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