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30 Rockefeller Plaza , Application to modify portions of the designated lobby and mezzanine.

At the scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, December 12, 2013, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 34 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, 30 Rockefeller Plaza is an Art Deco style skyscraper lobby, designed by the Associated Architects and built in 1931-33 as part of an Art Deco style office, commercial and entertainment complex, which comprises the Rockefeller Center Individual Landmark, and

WHEREAS, The applicant wants to modify portions of the designated lobby and mezzanine, that currently serves as the lobby entrance for NBC studios, as follows

-       Removal of non-historic desk

-       Construction of a new greeter desk in its historic location in 1935 (material: Absolute Granite – high honed finish)

-       Installation of Art Deco inspired bronze finish suspended light fixture above the proposed greeter desk

-       Construction of a new staircase linking ground floor to mezzanine level in its historic location in 1935

-       Removal of non-historic pocket doors and installation of new bronze finish pocket doors to match existing

-       Alterations to north passage storefront to convert a one-door entrance to a two-door entrance with matching bronze finish and hardware

-       Relocation of a fire hose and one additional mechanical door at mezzanine level using matching stone (Crema marfil marble) and matching bronze door

WHEREAS, The purpose of the modifications is to allow for better flow of visitors touring the NBC studios, and

WHEREAS, The proposed applications are not altering the historic fabric of the building, therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application to alter interior lobby at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, bet. 49th and 50th Streets.

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