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Budget, Education & City Services

Success Academy Charter Schools Co-location within Washington Irving High School

At the monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, November 08, 2012, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 34 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, Success Charter Network, Inc. has submitted an applications for K - 5 Success Charter Academy Schools in Community School District 2; and

WHEREAS, The Department of Education has approved the application by Success Charter Network and is proposing to co-locate Success Academy Charter School, Manhattan 2 within Washington Irving High School, located at 40 Irving Place between East 16th and 17th Streets; and

WHEREAS, According to the Notice of Applications, Success Charter Academy Manhattan 2 will serve between 600 to 675 students when all grades are enrolled; and

WHEREAS, Six expanding high schools already reside in the building, with only one shared cafeteria and limited gym space; and

WHEREAS, Placing an elementary school in the building, which will occupy three floors, will divert resources from the growing high-need populations already established in the building; and

WHEREAS, Multiple schools sharing a building makes necessary coordinating and scheduling of shared spaces and starting and ending time of school days and is highly challenging and time consuming for the administrators, teachers and students; and

WHEREAS, Co-location of schools has often pitted parents against parents, worsened overcrowding, and had negative impact on the student life in the co-located schools; and

WHEREAS, The challenges of sharing a building are often exacerbated when a district school is co-located with a charter school, which tends to have more resources;

WHEREAS, Charter schools have resources and the means to find their own facilities outside of the Department of Education's building inventory, therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five opposes the colocation of Success Academy Charter Schools Manhattan 2 within Washington Irving High School.    

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