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15 East 26th Street (5th and Madison Aves), Application for Approval of awning at building entrance for SD26.

At the scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, September13, 2012, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 31 in favor; 5 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, 15 East 26th Street was originally a 20-story commercial building, built in 1912,  located in the Madison Square North Historic District, designated in June 2001; and 

WHEREAS, The building is  now a condominium building, located at the north end of Madison Park, and is also known as 15 Madison Park North; and  

WHEREAS, The ground floor commercial space contains a restaurant known as SD26; and

WHEREAS, SD26 has been required to replace a non-compliant entrance awning, installed without LPC approval, with a new awning as follows:

                        1) A canvas awning located above the restaurant entrance projecting 5' from the face of building for a distance of 6'4" at a height of 7'4" above the side walk. 

                        2) The awning has a 1'6" skirt that will contain the restaurant's name "SD26" on the street face and will have a framed portion that will rise above the skirt to meet the stone arch of the building entrance. 

                        3) The awning will be red and the lettering will be in white and will not be illuminated; and

WHEREAS, The applicant has presented the proposed design to LPC and received favorable response; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the proposed new awning at for SD26 at 15 East 26th Street in the Madison Square North Historic District.

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