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Land Use, Housing & Zoning

M 770348CZSM, application by Amedeo Hotels Limited Partnership (“Applicant”) requesting a Modification to a Special Permit to allow the installation of an open air café and public seating area in the Madison Avenue courtyard of the ...

M 770348CZSM, application by Amedeo Hotels Limited Partnership ("Applicant") requesting a Modification to a Special Permit to allow the installation of an open air café and public seating area in the Madison Avenue courtyard of the Villard Houses, a designated landmark at 451-457 Madison Avenue

WHEREAS, In 1980 a Special Permit was granted that allowed the construction of the 51-story New York Palace Hotel, with modified FAR, height, setback and tower regulations; and

WHEREAS, The New York Palace Hotel is the backdrop to the landscaped, publicly accessible 5,754 SF courtyard along Madison Avenue; and

WHEREAS, The hotel proposes to install an open air café occupying approximately 1,068 square feet and containing 18 tables, 72 chairs and four umbrellas on the south side of the courtyard.  The café will be operated by the Gilt restaurant, which currently operates a restaurant inside the hotel; and

WHEREAS, The café will be open for a minimum of 225 days per year between early spring to late fall between 3:00 and 12:00 p.m.; and

WHEREAS, Although it is not required in order to install the café, the Palace Hotel also proposes to add 23 tables and 92 chairs for use by the general public on the north side of the courtyard.  The tables and chairs in the public space will remain in the courtyard year-round and will be accessible to the general public between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. from April 15th to October 31 and from 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. from November 1st to April 14th; and 

WHEREAS, All the new tables and chairs will be of high quality Italian construction and will  complement the courtyard's surroundings and wrought iron gates at the Madison Avenue entrance; and  

WHEREAS, Neither the decorative paving in the center of the courtyard nor the view of the hotel from Madison Avenue or the view of Saint Patrick's Cathedral from the courtyard would be obstructed; and  

WHEREAS, The Landmarks Preservation Commission has issued a Certificate of No Effect for the proposed café and public seating area; and

WHEREAS, The courtyard is currently empty and there is a scarcity of public open space for the neighborhood's office workers and residents; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the requested modification to permit an open air café in the courtyard of the Villard Houses at 451-457 Madison Avenue.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 31 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining.

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