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Consents & Variances

Federation of Indian Association

WHEREAS, the Federation of Indian Associations wants to organize a street festival on Madison Avenue between 23rd and 27th Streets, on Sunday, August 17th 2008; and

WHEREAS, The applicant will apply to the Parks Department for a permit to use Madison Square Park and for this year we will not ask them to return to our Board for a separate approval; and

WHEREAS, The event is organized in conjunction with the Federation of Indian Associations parade; and

WHEREAS, The applicant wants to install a stage occupying ½ of the block between 23rd and 24th Street with amplified sound; and

WHEREAS, The applicant has agreed to set up no sooner than 11am, and

WHEREAS, The applicant will use the services of a private professional sanitation contractor to bag and dispose of garbage during the event, as well as at the end, and the applicant has agreed to extend the radius of its sanitation workers to also dispose of garbage on the side streets, including 23rd Street, and the applicant has agreed to lift garbage bags rather than dragging them to avoid spillage; and

WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to

WHEREAS, the applicant will have volunteers handling the security of the event and the applicant has agreed to place volunteers to monitor the use of the playground to avoid improper use (prohibiting use of the playground by children older that 12 years old), and

WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed that no vendor will play loud music; and

WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed that no vendor will sell counterfeit merchandise; and

WHEREAS, the applicant commits to not blocking access to the dog run in Madison Square Park; and

WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed not to discriminate against any group that wishes to participate to this event, and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five recognizes that the event is drawing a larger number of people each year, which taxes the capacity of this location, and encourages the applicant to start looking for an alternate venue and furthermore Community Board Five urges SAPO, Parks Department and NYPD to help applicant identify an alternate venue; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the Federation of Indian Associations Street Activity permit.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 29 in favor; 2 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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