Each year, the City of New York adopts a multi-billion dollar budget. The budget funds the city’s vast operations and services, from schools, to the fire department, to homeless outreach, public health programs, building code enforcement and much more. During the annual budget process, the Mayor and City Council weigh different city needs and set funding priorities citywide. CB5’s Budget, Education & City Services (BECS) committee ensures that our district has a voice in the city’s budget process.
The BECS committee analyzes the district’s unique needs and comes up with a set of recommendations for the city to consider. In years past, the committee has called for a comprehensive shelter plan, increased funding for after-school programs and libraries, and enhanced offerings for mental health counseling and domestic violence services. In addition to its work on the budget, the committee also reviews issues related to services offered by the city, including school seating and capacity, homeless services, etc.
Generally meets the fourth Tuesday of the Month at 6pm. Meeting time and location subject to change. Please refer to our calendar.
You can find a record of CB5's virtual Budget, Education & City Services Committee meetings on Youtube.
You can find CB5's Policy on Public Notification here.
Community Board Five Resolution to support and advocate on behalf of the NYC Municipal Retirees
Response to Mayors Preliminary Budget
Resolution Opposing 60-Day Limitation on Shelter Stays for Families of Public School Students
CB5 Resolution in Opposition to the Closure of Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital