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Application from 339 Seventh Avenue Bakery LLC, DBA Maison Kayser, for a new unenclosed sidewalk café at 339 7th Avenue (on 7th Avenue between 28th and 29th Streets) featuring two rows consisting of 15 tables and 30 chairs

WHEREAS, 339 Seventh Avenue Bakery LLC DBA "Maison Kayser" ("Applicant") is applying for a new unenclosed sidewalk café license at 339 7th Avenue between 28th and 29th Streets; and

WHEREAS, Applicant seeks to have a sidewalk café consisting of 15 tables and 30 chairs to be composed of one row of nine two-top tables and a second row of six two-top tables along 7th Avenue, flanking the entrance to the establishment; and

WHEREAS, The sidewalk in question has a width of 19’ and 7”, leaving over 12 feet of clearance, and as such, the proposed café would be in accordance with all of the requirements per DCA regulations; and

WHEREAS, Each two-top table will be approximately 22"L x 22"W, with five planters measuring 24"L x 24"W to be interspersed evenly amongst the outside row of tables, and six dividers separating the café from the sidewalk; and

WHEREAS, The proposed café will have no table service, but only self-service by its users who will purchase items inside the establishment and bring them to the tables; and

WHEREAS, The café will close no later than 10PM daily, and will have no amplified sound; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant has been a responsible community establishment operating cafés of this type in other neighborhoods without adverse effect; and

WHEREAS, Due diligence by Community Board Five, including review of pedestrian counts performed at various times and intervals and submitted by Applicant to the Department of Consumer Affairs, revealed that existing foot traffic on both weekdays and weekends at this location does not pose a congestion concern; and

WHEREAS, In response to community concerns, and upon reasonable notice, Applicant agreed to come back and duly appear before Community Board Five should there be any complaints or concerns regarding the café; and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five believes that the proposed café would be a positive contribution to the neighborhood and vicinity along 7th Avenue; and

WHEREAS, No members of the public commented on the application; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from 339 Seventh Avenue Bakery LLC, DBA Maison Kayser, for a new unenclosed sidewalk café at 339 7th Avenue (on 7th Avenue between 28th and 29th Streets) featuring two rows consisting of 15 tables and 30 chairs.

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