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NYC Parks and AT&T - proposal to bring free Wi-Fi coverage to portions of Central Park.

WHEREAS, Central Park is a NYC Scenic Landmark and has had two temporary WIFI installations since November and December 2011, provided by AT&T, at the Zoo and Mineral Springs (Pain Quotidian) Snack Bar locations, along with 24 other WIFI installations at other parks in the City, in all the boroughs; and

WHEREAS, These roof top locations were determined by their expected access by potential internet users in the parks, either waiting to purchase tickets at the zoo or using the Sheep Meadow; and

WHEREAS, These devices, with a range of 200 ft., measure 20" high, 5" wide and 5" deep, must be positioned in the line of sight of users to be effective, and although relatively small,  they have high visibility and cannot be concealed to be  less obtrusive; and

WHEREAS, The white color for the devices may be replaced by a more subtle color, at CB5's suggestion, to make them less noticeable; and 

WHEREAS, This approval is for a five year period and any future WIFI device installation may be less problematic if new technologies are developed in this time period to provide this amenity to the general public; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the placement of two roof top devices for WIFI coverage on one of the buildings at the Central Park Zoo and on the roof of the Mineral Springs Snack Bar.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 37 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.


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