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Consents & Variances

Newsstand Application # 1382531, SWC 7th Avenue and West 31st Street.

WHEREAS, The applicant seeks a permit to install and operate a newsstand on the South West Corner of 31st Street and 7th Avenue, and

WHEREAS, The proposed location is across the street from the Madison Square/ Penn Station Pavilion; and

WHEREAS, The proposed location is highly congested by pedestrian traffic; and

WHEREAS, The area is already adequately served by existing newsstands and shops including two newsstands at the entrance to Penn station ( 32nd St and 7th Ave) and a newsstand at the NEC of 33rd St and 7th Ave; and

WHEREAS, The SWC of 31st St and 7th Ave location is only 5' 6" from a bank entrance and therefore not in compliance with DCA regulations; and

WHEREAS, Members of the 34th Street Partnership appeared to speak against this application; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends DENIAL of the proposed newsstand at the SWC of 31st Street and 7th Ave.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 28 in favor; 0 opposed; 2 abstaining.

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