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Consents & Variances

Newsstand application # 1377818, SEC 42nd Street and Broadway

WHEREAS, The applicant seeks a permit to install and operate a newsstand on SEC 42nd Street and Broadway; and

WHEREAS, The applicant failed to appear at a regularly scheduled meeting and failed to address questions and concerns CB5 had about the application; and

WHEREAS, The proposed site falls within the CB5 moratorium on new street furniture; and

WHEREAS, The proposed site is heavily congested with pedestrian traffic; and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would negatively impact pedestrian traffic by creating further congestion; and

WHEREAS, Further impediment to pedestrian flow might cause people to walk out into the street, thus creating an unsafe condition; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to install a newsstand on SEC 42nd Street and Broadway.

The above resolution passed  by a vote of 32 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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