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Consents & Variances

Newsstand Application #1363001, I/F/O 766 6th Avenue.

WHEREAS, The applicant is proposing a newsstand in front of 766 6th Avenue, between 25th & 26th Streets; and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand footprint is 6'-00'' X 12'-00, which would leave 10 feet for pedestrian traffic; and

WHEREAS, The proposed site registers medium to heavy pedestrian traffic, and

WHEREAS, To mitigate negative impact, at the request of Community Board Five, the applicant has agreed to reduce the footprint of his proposed newsstand to a width not to exceed 4 feet, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application to install a newsstand in front of 766 6th Avenue, between 25th & 26th Streets

The above resolution passed by a vote of 42 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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