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Consents & Variances

Newsstand Application #1339234, NWC Broadway & West 46th Street

WHEREAS, The applicant is proposing to replace an existing old newsstand with a new newsstand on the northwest corner (NWC) of 46th Street and Broadway and to relocate the newsstand to the north by about 15 feet; and

WHEREAS, The application is being made at the specific request of American Eagle (AE), the retail tenant of the building in front of the existing newsstand, which has undertaken an extensive renovation of the store and the sidewalk ($90 Million invested according to AE's representative); 

WHEREAS, The existing newsstand is located directly in front of the entrance to AE's store; and

WHEREAS, The existing newsstand is an eyesore; and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would be entirely within the AE store's frontage and will not adversely impact the area anymore than the existing newsstand; and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would be an improvement in design and aesthetics over the existing one; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application to install a newsstand at the NWC of 46th Street and Broadway.

The above resolution passed  by a vote of 35 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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