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Parks & Public Spaces

Promotional Event in Union Square Park in support of re-usable bags, May 16th, 10-6pm

WHEREAS, The event is to be held on Saturday May 16, 2009, from 10am-6pm; and

WHEREAS, Setup will begin at 8am and takedown will last until 7pm; and

WHEREAS, The exact location in Union Square park is the South Plaza; and

WHEREAS, The event will not interfere with the farmers market; and

WHEREAS, The event will have no signage other than self-promotion; and

WHEREAS, The event will have no association with a brand/corporation; and

WHEREAS, The event structure is a table with five personal sewing machines; and

WHEREAS, The machines form an assembly line to manufacture reusable bags made of fabric and plastic; and

WHEREAS, Event staff will create the bags live to gather interest; and

WHEREAS, The bags will be sold at a nominal cost; and

WHEREAS, The bags are not free because the event organizers felt this could promote waste and misuse.  The event organizers felt free bags might be seen as disposable which is opposite the intended message; and

WHEREAS, There will be no future sales or ongoing concern so this should not be seen as a product launch; and

WHEREAS, The event message is seen as positive; and

WHEREAS, The event requires minimal disturbance to the park; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application to promote, manufacture and sell re-usable plastic bags in the South Plaza of Union Square on Saturday May 16th, 2009.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 24 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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