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Newsstand Application # 1297018, IFO 620 8th Avenue.

WHEREAS, The applicant wants to install a newsstand at 620 8th Avenue, in front of the side entrance on West 41st street, on the south side of the street, and

WHEREAS, The applicant provided contradictory and very confusing information about the exact location of the newsstand, and

WHEREAS, The proposed location is in front of the new New York Times building, and across from Port Authority Bus Terminal, an extremely busy transportation hub that services over 200,000 transit riders daily.  Additionally, there are three newspaper/magazine businesses directly across the street in the Port Authority as well as two others just around the corner on 42nd Street, and

WHEREAS, The Times Square Alliance is opposed to the proposed newsstand, underscoring the extreme pedestrian congestion of proposed location, and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would impede pedestrian traffic, and would have a direct impact on pedestrians safety, and

WHEREAS, DCA should discourage applications for locations already reviewed; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends denial of the Application # 1297018, for a newsstand In Front Of 620 8th Avenue, and be it further

RESOLVED, Community Board Five is deeply concerned with the high number of application it reviews each year, and in order to streamline the process and help the applicants achieve their goal, Community Board Five demands that DCA request each applicant consult with the relevant Community Board and the relevant Business Improvement District on the appropriateness of the location prior to the applicant filing the application and paying the application fee, and be it further

RESOLVED, Community Board Five is urging DCA, DOT, and the Design Commission to work collaboratively with Community Boards and Business Improvement Districts to establish a master plan for the allocation of the remaining newsstands in New York City. 

The above resolution passed by a vote of 30 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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