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Land Use, Housing & Zoning

122 East 32nd Street:  ULURP #C 060372 ZMM, application pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 for a Zoning Map Amendment from the existing C4-5A district to a C6-2A district

WHEREAS, 126 East 32nd Street LLC is proposing to build a 12-story residential building with a parking garage at 120 and 122 East 32 Street, which is currently a parking lot; and

WHEREAS, The property at 120 and 122 East 32nd Street was changed from a C6-1 to a C4-5A by the City Planning Commission in 1995; and

WHEREAS, The applicant is requesting a zoning map amendment to change the zoning designation of the site and adjoining properties from C4-5A to C6-2A by extending an existing C6-2A district that exists on Lexington Avenue at East 32nd Street westward over the site to a point 150 feet towards Park Avenue South; and

WHEREAS, The existing buildings on the site are already larger than what is permitted in a C6-2A zoning lot; and

WHEREAS, The proposed 12-story residential building has been designed to align with the street wall of the adjacent buildings and the other taller buildings on the block; and

WHEREAS, The residential bulk of the proposed building is consistent with larger office/loft buildings to the west of it,  and to converted residential and other existing residential buildings to the east and south of it; and

WHEREAS, The three-story building directly to the west houses a social services drop-in center which will not be disturbed by the new construction, and the property has a codicil which prevents a taller building from being developed on it in perpetuity; and

WHEREAS, Community Board Five felt that the 12-story residential building proposed for this site is appropriate for the block in relation to the other buildings on it, and due to the developer providing public parking at the new site; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the extension of the C6-2A district on the south side of East 32 Street Lexington Avenue to approximately 150 feet towards Park Avenue South.

The above resolution passed with a vote of 23 in favor, 10 opposed, 0 abstention.  

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