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Land Use, Housing & Zoning

ULURP #060431 A ZSM Amendment to an application for the issuance of a special permit pursuant to ZR§74-711, to permit the installation of exterior signage in the portions of the Plaza Hotel located in an R10-H Zoning District

WHEREAS, The applicants are both subsidiaries of ElAd Properties ("Owner"), who is conducting a major renovation and restoration of the Plaza Hotel, located at 768 Fifth Avenue; and

WHEREAS, On May 11, 2006, Community Board Five voted to approve an application for a Special Permit, pursuant to ZR §74-711, to permit the Owner to change some of the interior usage of the Hotel; and

WHEREAS, The Owner wishes to amend the application for a Special Permit to permit the installation of exterior signage on the portions of the Hotel located in a R10-H district, where they would otherwise be disallowed unless installed as an accessory to hotel use; and

WHEREAS, The application specifies the retention of the existing bronze lettered signage for the Oak Bar and Oak Room on the front and sides of the entrance canopy, and stenciled signs on the windows facing West 59th Street, and for new signage as follows:

WHEREAS, The size, location, material, typeface and appearance of the signs will be subject to review by Community Board Five and approval by the Landmarks Preservation Commission ("LPC") at a later date; and

WHEREAS, The Owner has previously agreed to submit a Master Plan for the interior and exterior signage of the Building to the LPC; and

WHEREAS, The Owner did agree to include fewer painted window signs in its LPC application than would be permitted by the Special Permit; and

WHEREAS, The limited number and restrained locations of the signage will be consistent with the elegance of the Plaza Hotel; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the amendment to the Special Permit to permit installation of exterior signage on the portions of the Plaza Hotel located within an R10-H zone.

The above resolution passed with a vote of 30 in favor, 5 opposed, 2 abstentions.

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